Friday, February 29, 2008

Jesse's first time roller skating

At school they had a night of roller skating. I decided this was as good as a time as any to let Jesse learn to skate. He spent more time on the floor than he did on his feet, but he was a good sport and by the end of the night he was doing well. He even learned to jump and turn as long as he was next to the wall or holding onto me.


Melissa said...

That's the way I rollerskate...holding on to the wall! What a brave boy!

Deb said...

Way to go, Jesse!

T said...

Jesse, Keep at it and you'll be a world class skater soon! I had lunch today with a friend who is a professional Soccer player, but when he was younger, he used to be a professional speed skater and guess how he started, just like you, on roller skates.

Guess what, your Mom taught me how to Roller Skate too when I was about your age. She's a good teacher! (Even though I didn't become a world class skater like you probably will become) I think most of the time we only had one pair of strap on skates, so we had to take turns, or would some times just have one skate we'd put on and use the other foot to push with, the Cox's and Cleggs were our favorite friends to skate with. Fun memories!

Love you! Uncle Tom