Thursday, July 10, 2008

What's going on around here

My niece Melissa asked me for an update so here goes. Our house is till on the market but n0t much is happening with it. So I will settle in and get the kids ready for school. Phil is loving his job, it is going much slower than we thought it would but hopefully soon things will pick up so they can grow the company. Jesse is ready to start school. He has lost 2 teeth this week and one more will be out by the reunion time. I am doing a lot of quilting right now. I will bring my projects with me to the reunion so you can see them. I am now going from quite a novice beginner to a more advanced beginner sewer. I am doing a more complicated quilt right now and am quite excited about how it is coming together.
Looking foward to seeing you all. I love your blogs and I will do better at keeping up on my blog.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

YAY!!!!!! Thanks for the update! Sorry things aren't going faster with selling your house and with Phil's job. I can't wait to see your quilts and your boys.