Saturday, April 5, 2008

What a day April 4th has been

Here's the quilt I have been working on as I wait to hear the

outcome of baby Gracie. I spent a few hours peacing the quilt together. I don't have a definate pattern, other than one quilt block will be plad, the next one will be plain. I have ended up getting sick. I have a bad sore throat and very conjested probably because of the stress of baby Gracie. I was going to run errands Friday but the not knowing what was going to happen kept me home quilting and being physically sick. I still don't know how Gracie did during the night, but I will post again when I know something.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

I LOVE the quilt! It's going to be beautiful! I hope it's keeping you somewhat occupied as you're worrying about Gracie and Tom and MIchelle!