Monday, March 10, 2008

My Brother Tom

I just wanted to share my feelings for a minute, since they are bubbling to the surface right now. My brother Tom and his wife are expecting a baby girl this next week. I am so happy to have Baby Gracie join our family. I am praying every day that she gets to stay with us. It is a very emotional time for everyone right now. I sure don't know what the future holds for this precious little girl, but I do know that she will be part of the family forever. Tom has asked me to be the blogger for this special event so if you want to see updates on this baby you can get to it from my list of blogs that I watch. I will try to post a picture and a blog as well on my blog. I will be there for you Tom. I love you. Thank you for commenting on my blog.


Anonymous said...

We'll all be waiting for pictures. There is nothing better than a new baby to blog about!
I dont think I have met Tom. :)

Aunty Bette said...

I am not sure that I am doing this right. Computers and the internet are not my best friends. I am following Michelle's blog and by chance found your blog so I will be looking at it from now on.

John's Mom is flying into town Sunday and we are hoping to take trip to Utah sometime in the next 6weeks. If you are home when we drive to Utah we would love to spend a night with the Evans family
on our way through.

Ilove you sweetheart!

Aunty Bette